Back to Blogging: A Rekindled Love Story

Life has a funny way of steering us away from the things we love. For me, that meant taking a hiatus from blogging. But the more time I spent away from my digital journal, the more I missed it. Now, I’m thrilled to announce my return to the blogging world, and this time, I’m back for good.

The Unintended Break
In the hustle and bustle of life, blogging gradually slipped through the cracks. It wasn’t a conscious choice to step away, but a combination of work, personal commitments, and the chaos of the everyday left me with less time and energy for my beloved blog. I rationalized my absence with thoughts like, “I’ll get back to it soon,” or “I just need a little break.” However, weeks turned into months, and my blog gathered digital dust.

The Missing Piece
As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, a peculiar emptiness settled in. I missed blogging more than I could have ever imagined. It wasn’t just about sharing my thoughts with the world; it was about the creative outlet and the sense of purpose.
During my hiatus, I found myself jotting down ideas, snippets of text, and topics I wished to write about. I’d catch myself pondering, “What would my readers think about this?” The realization that my blog had become an integral part of my life, and that its absence left a void, was undeniable.

The Return: Back for Good
Recently, something within me shifted. I couldn’t ignore the pull to return to my blog any longer. I felt a burning desire to share my thoughts, experiences, and stories once again. This time, it’s not just a return; it’s a commitment to being back for good.
My absence has served as a reminder of the importance of doing what you love, even when life’s demands are relentless. It made me appreciate the value of a passion that I had temporarily set aside and was now eager to rekindle.

Rekindled Flame
Life can sometimes lead us away from our passions, but it’s never too late to rekindle the fire. In my case, it was my blog that I missed dearly, and I’m ecstatic to be back and back for good. If you, too, have been absent from something you love, I encourage you to reconnect with it. Rekindle that passion, because, in the end, it’s these pursuits that make life truly meaningful.

So, here’s to the return, to the rekindled flame, and to being back for good. Blogging, I’ve missed you, and I’m here to stay.

My 40 before 40 list

I am very excited to be turning forty, no I’m just kidding I only made 30 in January. However, I recently got to thinking what are some of the things I want to do before I get to 40.  My mind run wild with different ideas but I decided to zero them down to 40 things. Why have I documented them – for accountability!! I need to be able to look back and make sure I did all these things. Why 40 you ask? Because 40 seems like an age where we should have experienced lots of things, lived and have plenty of stories to tell. Also because 40 seems far away (10 years to be precise) so I know I have enough time to do all these things.

Ok here we go:

  1. Celebrate new year’s eve in a different country. To be honest I am hoping its several different countries. I want to dream big, if you’ve read the book Chase The Lion by Matt Batterson, he says if your dream doesn’t scare you then it’s too small. So 20 countries!!!
  2. Eat at 5 out of the best 100 restaurants in the world. Anyone who knows me knows I am a food lover. So this had to make it to the list obviously. That means I have work to do. I need to find out which are the top restaurants in the world
  3. Go on a safari. I want to do this in several African countries. Before I venture out of my beautiful motherland, I want to do a road trip around Uganda. It’s such a beautiful country and I haven’t had the chance to experience it YET. However, I am working on it.
  4. Get on a strict exercise routine and have abs to die for. I have always started working out and hardly been consistent. Before I hit 40 the consistency better find me because I want to hit 40 looking gooood!! I think I’m going to begin working out now, ok maybe next week… no seriously before the month of November ends.
  5. Get married! Woop!woop!!
  6. Give birth to twins. I think the Lord already knows this one because I have spoken about it several times. I want a boy and a girl!! I am even going to get blessings from those that have mothered fraternal twins because I REALLY want them in my life.
  7. Get another tattoo. I’m not sure how many tattoos I want but I know I’m most definitely getting another one. A good friend of mine got one with the fruit of the Holy Spirit and each time I meet him, I stare at it longingly. I haven’t decided what I want but I am absolutely getting one or more.
  8. Take a helicopter ride. Do we even have these in Uganda?? I don’t know but I do know before I hit 40 I’ll absolutely have one because who wouldn’t?? I think I will have one outside Uganda. Haven’t figured out which country though.
  9. See the northern lights. I think this is one of the most beautiful sights in the world. The northern lights are found in Iceland. I am a lover of cloud formation, sun rises, sun sets, everything sky, so of course these had to make my list.
  10. Do 6 zip lines and 4 bungee ‘jumpings’ in different parts of the world. There are different types all over the world and the experiences I have read about are epic. Totally doing these!
  11. Go in a hot air balloon. I won’t say much here. The picture speaks for itself.
  12. Sky diving!!!! Yes, I want to fly out of an aeroplane.
  13. Visit every continent. We live in a very beautiful universe and I have always wanted to see it so yes to this.  7 continents and a visit in each is the way to go.
  14. Go skiing. I’m not sure I would love this but I would like to try it either way.
  15. have a retirement fund. Enough said.
  16. climb a mountain/ go hiking. Yes!!! I have to do this. That only means I have to start right away on my working out
  17. dye my hair. For the longest time I have wanted to do this but haven’t got the courage. I don’t even know why I haven’t.  I just know it’s not happen yet. however, it will, before I turn 40!! I think I will also cut my hair
  18. learn a new language – either French, Swahili, or Spanish
  19. ride a motorcycle or scooter. I can ride a bicycle so  that’s a good start in the direction.
  20. build something from scratch or do a puzzle all by myself
  21. stay awake for 36 hours. God knows doing what… I think a night of games, or an overnight or just having a conversation with good friends.
  22. learn how to surf. I know this may not apply in Uganda because we don’t do that here but a girl can dream. Surfers are hot!
  23. go on a girls- only trip. I hope I have several of these
  24. say yes to everything for a day (very scary)
  25. binge watch a series for one day. My money is on Grey’s Anatomy, Ugly Betty, Jane The Virgin, Black Ish, suits
  26. pay a stranger’s meal. Maybe strangers..
  27. go on a spontaneous adventure. I am such a planner. Just writing this gives me anxiety however, I am going to do it!
  28. see a favorite band live in concert. I am still hopeful that boyz II men will have a concert in Uganda someday. What’s my favourite band of late?
  29. Learn cocktail – making
  30. Own a house – a huge house
  31. Host a dinner party or big parties
  32. Start a couple of family traditions
  33. Go wine tasting!!! I wish we had vineyards in Uganda. Oh well it still makes the list
  34. Take dance classes – ballroom classes – yes!
  35.  See all the wonders of the world – old and new
  36. Win 1000 souls to Christ
  37. Preach in 10 different churches or more
  38. Do missionary work (this scares me immensely but I love it)
  39. Plant a church
  40. have an encounter with God

What Would You Love To Learn How To Do? Part II

I have always believed graffiti is absolutely cool. Sadly I am not the best at drawing or calligraphy however I was recently told one can actually learn this skill. I am currently hunting for a teacher.

Don’t you just love the French accents? If only I understood what they were saying. I think knowing more than one international language is a good thing. Imagine you had to travel ever so often and knew just English. I remember my father had to buy a basic English-japanese little book just so he could keep up during his 3 year stay in Japan. An international language I would love to learn is French.

In addition to the above, I have always been a fan of the Swahili language. So it  definitely made the list. I would like to be very fluent in 2 of the local languages spoken in Uganda. I know a little of some of the languages. I think I should live among the natives for a year. Lemme write this down actually.

Have you ever noticed how great people who consistently work out look? I admire the abs on the girls. I want abs, what that translates into is consistent exercise. Ohh I should’ve started with this. People who work out make it look easy but friends its hard at least in the beginning. This is why I start with so much determination and give up along the way. However! I am determined to be consistent (God help me) because dammit I want abs!

Another thing I have always admired is swimming. I have put this on hold too long, and actually forgot about it until right this moment as I write about it. swimming, I don’t even own a swimming costume (bad, right). I guess I’ll start with owning a couple of them. Then proceed to dipping my toes in water – baby steps!

Play an instrument!! I love it!! I love the piano, drums and violin. I think the guitar makes finger hurt a lot. I also think the quickest instrument to learn would be the drums. Lemme write that down

Fix my car. You know how you hear funny noises while driving and you turn up the radio because even though you parked by the road side, put the hood up you wouldn’t know what to do. dies shell or total still do the car clinics? I am totally going for the next one without fail.

The Pressure

Society dictates that a girl should be married after she finishes university. It also dictates the favorable ages for marriage.  While most parents believe this, they not only tell it to your face; they help you in the search for a husband. At one of our end-of-the-year family prayer meetings, one of my mother’s prayers was for her 3 daughters to find husbands. This was 2019 as 2020 was beginning. For some strange reason I thought she was above all of this. She often joked about it but this time she was so serious. She even went ahead to tell my paternal aunt that she doesn’t understand why we aren’t introducing her to our boyfriends. This is when it dawned on me that the woman was serious.

I hardly ever pictured being married until I met Ethan’s father. Being with him opened my eyes to the possibility of walking down the aisle in a white dress. Well to be honest I wanted a different color – black. This always made him laugh whenever we visited this topic. I had the wedding all figured out. My bachelorette party was going to be an all-black with a touch of gothic to it kind of party. Yes, I was into gothic stuff until Jesus saved me. I hadn’t decided if I wanted bridesmaids because I was torn between bridesmaids and just flower girls. Ethan of course was going to be a page boy. The color theme for the décor was going to be black and white with a touch of red or just black and white. There would be more than enough food and alcohol as well as lots of water to hydrate. I often joked that during our first dance, while dancing to whatever boring slow song he chose, it would be interrupted by some hip-hop song and I would do a choreographed routine. That part always made him anxious. I can’t count the many times he begged me not to think about it. Apparently in his culture its forbidden for the bride to behave in such a way.

Most girls always have their weddings planned to the dot. The movie bride wars is one of my favorite wedding movies. These two best friends start to imagine their weddings from the age of about 6 after attending a wedding together. They had all the details including venue, color schemes, bride’s maids, wedding planner, even before they had met their husbands. They wanted to be each other’s bridesmaids too. They got engaged almost a week apart and both rushed to their dream venue – which was a very posh hotel in the U.S. The wedding dates unfortunately were mixed up and all put on the same day.  As much as they begged the wedding planner to move another date, there were no free dates because the hotel was booked for the next 2 years. This left them with one choice, one of them had to move their wedding date for the other to attend. This led them to trying to sabotage each other’s wedding plans; now you can imagine why the movie is called bride wars.

Weddings are such a joy especially for parents. It’s so fulfilling watching how their faces light up particularly when their respective children are happy. So, I knew how my mother felt.  She wished we would get married and I knew it was coming from a good place.  But here I was finally enjoying how to be single and my mother was reminding me of ‘my obligation’ to society. She did not stop there. My mother also took the bother to ask me if I was dating anyone. I told her I wasn’t. To which she replied I should begin, what was I waiting for? I should start.   Truthfully at 26, after the breakup, I had not seriously dated anyone. I may have kissed a few frogs just to fill the void but nothing serious. For lack of better words, I wasn’t interested. And so here I was at 30, and my mother now asking for a husband. The pressure!

Never in a million years did I ever think the pressure would catch to me. I had watched it in the movies and around me – how girls at an age, mostly 30, just wanted to be married. And it gets worse especially when all your friends are getting married and you don’t even have any prospects. At least these movies had such happy endings. That was consoling.  But I began to crave more. ‘Maybe I should date’, I thought to my 30-year-old self. The worst part is social media doesn’t help either. I had begun following a page on Instagram called Bellanaija Weddings and they featured such cute stories. Most of the narrative was nice Christian girl meets handsome Christian boy. Why wasn’t this me? Why don’t these things happen to me? I thought to myself. oh, and the weddings were exquisite and very exotic.

Two friends who had both watched relationship goals and I were having conversations in the car on our way back from the mentorship class we both attended. We talked about how it was such a good series, then we began to ask whether such men existed. It’s funny that one of these friends was my age mate and the other was a baby – just 21 years old.  My age mate and I literally shared the same story of our mothers both wondering what’s going on. It was funny. We laughed it off but still went back to asking if these men exist. We both agreed that we want good Christian men but who wants a very reserved church boy to be honest? Most women love a little adventure and so we wanted a bad-boy-gone-good. One that’s found Jesus but isn’t too conservative and has made a life for himself, that is, has money and a career. It turns out, these ones are mostly married. This conversation was hilarious but also a little sad. We mostly laughed because this was the story of our lives. If we want good Christian men, must we look in church and what if these Christian men are so conservative that they don’t allow their wives to go out on dates with her girlfriends or want you to kneel down each time you’re serving a meal (taking the wives should submit to your husband’s verse literally).  The dating world had now turned into something scary.

Ripples across the Lake

When you throw a rock out into a lake that is calm as glass on the surface, it sends ripples across the whole lake. It looks like it causes a big disturbance. But the truth is, one foot beneath the surface was calm and peaceful. No fish yelled, “Call 911! Something’s wrong!” Nothing on the surface affects the water down deep. It stays calm.

How easily do you get upset? If the pebbles that get thrown into your life are getting you frustrated and stealing your joy, you need to go down deeper in faith. There are some things I have believed God for and they haven’t come through. I have believed that my son’s eczema is healed and yes it goes away and comes back. I have asked Him to let me have a month of constant wins but let’s be honest with each other the losses humble us. All those things upset me and still my joy plenty of times. Just a pebble disturbing the surface. That’s not making light of those things, but when you get beneath the surface, you know God is still on the throne. Down deep where you choose to live, you’ll feel a peace, you’ll be at rest.

I have had impostor syndrome for a while now. It’s been a challenge. I have questioned my competence severely – ‘am I a great mother?’ ‘will I beat that deadline?’ ‘maybe it won’t happen for me because I wouldn’t handle it?’ I got so mad at myself and was troubled. I did this until I decided to choose God; to focus on Him and not my small self. We are GREAT with God, extraordinary!! I picked out verses about my identity in Him and I recite them every morning. When I have a job, I do it with Him. I literally have conversations with God. The other week when I started this, I finally got a solution to something I had let drag on for a while because I thought I couldn’t do it excellently.

So choose God every day, every minute when those thoughts come flooding in trying to disturb your peace; remember He is the same yesterday, today and forever. I know my son’s eczema will eventually be gone because like Gloria Copeland advised – I’m going to double my dosage of faith and prayers. I have started a journey of 40 days of gratitude. I read somewhere that we should interrupt anxiety with gratitude. I look for something to be grateful for each day. When I find myself troubled, I thank God even for the smallest of things. I look for something and continue to thank Him under my breath. The peace may not come instantly but it does. It always does.

So try it. Start your own gratitude jar, or pick things you’re grateful for each day, write them down and let me know how it works out for you. Trust me, you’ll be happy with the results.

What Would You Love To Learn How To Do? Part I

As a child I loved to watch my mother drive, and each time we got into the car, I watched her very closely. Fast forward I am an excellent driver and I enjoy it immensely. I believe I am a person with a teachable spirit. There are things that I want to learn but have put on hold for a while yet I get excited just seeing them. Here are just a couple of them:

Grill meat: I love grilled meat sooooo much. I am a meat lover in every sense of the word but the sad reality is I do not know how to grill it –YET. I do love to watch people do it. Wait, that’s a lie, I love to see it arrive in front of me, yes! That’s what I love. I am determined   to learn how to grill it though. I am not sure how or when yet however the learning spirit like I mentioned in the beginning is there!

Baking: I cannot bake anything friends, when I say anything I mean it. I know nothing about baking except what comes out of it. I mean it’s all very delicious. I want to learn how to bake pastries and also regular food – a turkey, potatoes, MEAT, you name it, I want to learn it!

Ball room dancing – first of all there are different types of ball room dancing. I want to learn the tango. I’ve seen this in the movies, I’m not even sure they offer these classes in Ug but when you search hard for something you most definitely find it. The tango looked sooo good, at least, the several times I have seen people do it in the movies.

Related to the above is salsa. This dance is as spicy and feisty as its origins – the Latinas. I think I like the feisty and spicy part most. I believe it’s a very cool dance

I would also like to learn how to cook spicy food. I love food as you might have noticed but I am not an excellent cook – YET! Spicy food is tasty especially Chinese and indian food. I am a huge fan.

Walk up to a stranger and start a conversation: I am a secretly shy person but I would like to master the guts to walk up to someone I think is interesting and start a conversation. But I mostly second guess myself- ‘will they respond, what if this person walks away, what if I trip on my way over there?’  How do bold people do this?

Put nail polish on my nails myself: I kinda admire girls that put nail polish by themselves very neatly. I have tried before and boy oh boy my nails end up looking like a mess. But you know what Aaliyah said ‘at first if you don’t succeed, dust yourself off & TRY AGAIN’

5 Things I believe We Should Keep After This Pandemic Is Over

If there’s anything this period has taught me, its to embrace the new things and have an open mind. The lock-down situation pushed us out of our comfort zones and allowed us to explore new things. Here are some I believe we should keep.

Scientific weddings: I have always been a fan of small weddings and this period has come with many of those. I haven’t had the pleasure of attending any, but I have seen some and loved them. The most recent one was of a good friend’s sister’s.  It was intimate, classy, and extremely beautiful. To be honest I wished I was getting married the next weekend. The only set back was my husband hasn’t found me yet. We most definitely should keep scientific weddings. I know I am having one.

Digital Businesses: Businesses have embraced the internet fully. If your business wasn’t online before the lock-down, I’m pretty sure you suffered a little. Albeit after a few breathes you caught up with the rest of the world. Online businesses are the way to go. Its business just a click away. Isn’t that awesome? I remember having to get some gifts and I just didn’t want to leave home. I browsed through social media and had all the gifts delivered to my door step before 4pm which brings me to the next thing we must keep.

Deliveries to our down step: I mean YESSSS!!!! This is related to the online businesses. Since we couldn’t leave our houses, stuff came to us. From food to shoes, books, etc. They were all a phone call away. Thank you safe boda and of course that trusted boda guy that does stuff for you.

Online church services: It was sad that we couldn’t hug people anymore. I know at Worship Harvest for example, hugging is part of our culture. However, church online happen and it was just as excellent. The churches tried to make the services the same experience and they succeeded. In addition to that, they took it up a notch and spiced it up. If you haven’t experienced church online, what are you waiting for????!!! plug in immediately there’s a variety to pick from and yes, you’ll find what suits you.

Online meetings/Flexible work spaces: It was about time we caught up with this new normal. The pandemic officially launched this here in the Pearl of Africa. I mean its zoom meeting after zoom meeting. I think even some dates are online and it works – to each their own. I must admit its cut the long hours to and fro in traffic jam. Let’s not forget that our very own entertainers have also shifted their events online and its worked out just great

What this pandemic has brought overall is inevitable change. With this change we have witnessed an evolution of various thoughts which reminds me of a certain quote ‘Evolve or Die!’

Stay Positive & Sanitize!

Cling To The One Who Knows Your Future.

In the Bible there is a story where God asked Moses to hold up his staff so that the Israelites would win this particular battle. As long as Moses held his staff above his head, the Israelites won, but as soon as he lowered it, they began to lose. By lifting his staff, Moses symbolically acknowledged God was always with them—and He alone was in control.

Like Moses, when you find yourself in a battle you know you’re ill-equipped to handle, look at the situation in front of you and observe what’s going on around you, but don’t let that stop you from clinging to God’s authority and pursuing what He’s promised you.

It’s interesting how because he was old, Moses couldn’t hold the staff up for long that’s when his trusted friends stepped in. By holding him up, they helped Israel achieve victory.  Allow trusted people to come alongside you.

The victories achieved in uncertain seasons are rarely due to our own strength—they’re a result of clinging to God and relying on others to support us. It is the faithfulness of God that sees us through the storms of life, and when we acknowledge that, we create space for God to show up and show off in our weaknesses.

Moses wasn’t created to endure hard moments alone—and neither were you. What if your current limitation is actually an invitation for people to partner with you in the God-glorifying story He wants to tell through you? 

My Top 5 Favourite Social Media Accounts

Social media is one of my favorite past time activities and these happen to be my favorite accounts

Khloe Kardashian

I love her Instagram stories because they always have some wonderful inspirational quotes that usually apply to my life. I am always taking screenshots.

Eunice Adubango on facebook

This lady will make you question what you’re doing with yourself. She details her businesses, and how she does it. she also has a new page EuniBrand. Its about her life with her husband – their before, during and after. Its humorous and filled with lessons as well as prayer points

Bella naija weddings

This Instagram account has wonderful stories about the couples it showcases. Not only are the weddings magical, the couples’ pictures are out of this world. Also, I collect lots of tips for my upcoming wedding as soon as my husband finds me.

Jesus and Jollof

This is obviously because of their podcast. I don’t have to say much just go listen to their podcast

Lastly is the Worship Harvest Praise and Testimonies Page on Facebook. It is very inspiring because of all the activity. From healing to miracle money to new jobs to unbelievable contracts, its all sooo overwhelming and sometimes to good to be be true. However that happens when you have crazy faith and that’s what this community of people has!!

And so there they are some of my favorite social media accounts. Visit them! They might become your favourites too!

You Matter!

Something happened late last week that made me realize that I had lost one of the most special persons to me. It finally dawned on me that he was gone. I have two fondest memories of him. I was about 8 months pregnant when Alem came all the way from work in the evening just to deliver some delicious cupcakes he had baked for me. He was an amazing pastry chef. I felt so special. The other time was my 26th birthday. He was working at Serena hotel and invited me for dinner. This was awesome because even my significant other at the time had completely forgotten about my birthday.

Its been a couple of weeks since he passed due to natural causes (he slept and drifted off to heaven). I hadn’t really sat down to let that sink in. I mean how was this person gone. He was such an awesome and simple human anyone would have fallen in love with him. He was my person. The one that listened, rebuked me or even held my hand as I insisted on taking the wrong turn. He was always in my corner no matter what. He made me feel like I mattered.

I believe as human beings one of our most essential feelings is to be seen, to matter. I remember Oprah once saying something like that and it didn’t make much sense at the time but now it does. Alem’s death is a sting whose swelling won’t go down , a reoccurring heartache or that little irritating paper cut that just continuously makes you uncomfortable.

But it also woke me up to that reality – human beings want to be treated like they matter. So we should be kind to everyone. Even if she can’t attend that event (and you know that or assume), go ahead and invite her. It pleases him or her that they at least crossed your mind. Say happy birthday, post a loved one’s picture on MCM (Man Crush Monday) or WCW (Woman Crush Wednesday) because as cliché as it sounds, this might be their last day on earth. Therefore take time to make them feel loved and valued.

To my person, YOU ARE LOVED! Rest in Love

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